A lot of people are trying to get your attention and get you to buy things right about now.
Since you’re interested in health, fitness and nutrition, chances are your Facebook feed and inbox are getting bombarded with sales on the latest fad diet or exercise gizmo.
Here are a few tips:
You don’t need another gadget or gizmo.
You don’t need any new exercises or the newest fad diet.
You don’t need to consume another promotional video from the latest fitness guru who may be Instagram-famous but hasn’t actually helped anyone achieve the goals you’re looking to achieve.
What you need is action.
A 10-minute workout.
A meal with plenty of vegetables.
A couple hours of meal prep on Sunday so your nutrition decisions become easier during the week.
So, if you’re feeling a little stuck (like most of us do during the holiday season), don’t go down the rabbit hole and get consumed by consumption mode.
Remember, if you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you need to do is stop digging.
You already have everything you need to get started with an effective fitness plan, or get back into one if you’ve fallen off track.
Take action. Be a do-er. Leave the consumption and distractions to someone else.