Farmer carries the default carry, are one such exercise you should be doing when you are doing carries.
This is also a movement you should be doing regularly. This is because of a number of benefits.
Remember, we want to carry at the gym because we work everything else in every thought up functional way. We never train ourselves to carry more.
Farmer carries are similar to suitcase carries, except you carry a weight in both hands. Doing farmer carries you will be able to carry the most overall weight. However you will not be able to strengthen your core the way you can with any other carry.
This does not mean it isn’t a great exercise. You will build the most muscle and gain the most strength with the farmer carry.
Performing the movement
You will need two weights, preferably the same weight, one in each hand. Pick them up and walk a chosen distance or time. Be sure to maintain a nice tall spine, do not lean in any direction too much. If you are leaning over too much you will need to lighten the load.
Be sure to keep you shoulder down and back and try to keep your shoulders in their naturally shrugged position.
Muscles worked
This exercise works almost every muscle in your body. Farmer carries will target more of your upper back, legs, arms, and forearms.
Don’t be afraid to go really heavy with this movement. This is a great movement for building lots of full body functional strength. This movement can and will help with your lifting number up.
The next time you are in the gym and you do not know what to do. Just pick up some heavy weights and carry them for a set distance. You will be doing a better workout than about 80% of the people in the building.