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Program Set Up-Reverse Engineer

You know what your goal is. At this point you will need to reverse engineer what it is you want to achieve.

Let’s say you set a goal time limit to be for March 31st, and your goal is to lose 10bs.

First what you will need to do is figure out how much weight you will need to lose each month to reach your goal.

This will be a weight loss of about 3 lbs per month.

Then you will break it down to weeks. From January 1st to March 31st, it is 13 weeks.

This will come to about .25 lbs per week. Let’s just say half a pound per week.

From January 1st to March 31st your goal is to lose a half a pound per week.

It takes 3,500 calories to equal one pound. If you are going to lose a half pound each week you will need to consume 1,750 less calories per week.

This will come to 250 calories less per day.

Let’s say you're eating 2,000 calories per day and you are maintaining your current weight.

To lose a half a pound of weight each week you will need to consume 1,750 calories per day.

That isn't so bad, is it?

Whatever your goal is, you will need to reverse engineer it in this same way.

I want to help you. If you need help with figuring out the small steps to reaching your goal, message me and I will help you break it down.

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