Welcome to 2025!
Now, what are you going to do with it?
I mean that sincerely.
Only you get to decide what kind of year this is for you.
What kind of goals you set for yourself and achieve.
Remember, we always have two choices: We can either complain about the circumstances or make the best of the circumstances we have.
As we begin a new year, my advice would be to pay attention to what’s playing in the background for you. What kind of stories are you telling yourself?
It better not be, “I’m not motivated to work out,” or “I always lose weight and then gain it back,” or, “I’m not good enough.”
Only YOU get to decide what you’re capable of in 2025.
Only YOU get to decide what goals you’re going to set.
Only YOU get to decide what actions you’re going to take, every day, every week, every month, to achieve them.
Don’t focus on anybody else or what THEY think.
Their goals are not yours. Their limitations are not yours.
Only YOU get to decide what you want for your body, health and happiness, and only YOU get to decide what you’re going to do each day to move closer to those goals.
So do you. Your future self will thank you.